Saturday 21 January 2012

An Age Crisis ??

6:40 Saturday morning and I woke up! I am clearly getting old, isn’t so that the older you get the less sleep you need? Then again I was very boring person yesterday evening and went to bed already around 22hrs, so I still got quite many hours of sleep. Conclusion being that I am NOT that old, as yet! How come a girl who just has seen 17 summers can be old?

I am thinking of joining a gym again. I didn’t renew the membership to the gym next to our office last autumn, due to a significant raise of the price and the lowered service level. But now I am planning to get a membership from a super expensive gym for 3 or 6 months. And that’s my biggest dilemma today, how long membership shall I take. 3 months would last ‘till the end of April, and 6 months then ‘till the end of July. So, will I really go to the gym during the warm summer months? In addition I have loads of holidays to take, and I in general like to take most of them during the summer months. So, the membership is useless when I am holidaying. Well, anyhow I’ll go to that gym tomorrow to test it. The plan is to go to the Body Pump class at 11:10. Oooh, my body sooooo needs exercise! Other than jogging I mean. I’ve been running regularly so I haven’t turned into sofa-potato, actually I’ve ran this year 62 km already.

I have a holiday planned for beginning of February, which includes a bit of touring in the Nordics, first I will spend almost a week at my parent’s place and then a long weekend exploring a night life of a Swedish city with two exchange student friends. Yeah, some people travel to the sun and I just keep going away from it. But my sun will be all the great friends that I’ll meet while travelling in the North and celebrating yet another 17th birthday. 

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