Sunday, 11 March 2012

Weekend with Films

It has been lazy weekend, though it seems like I write only when I’ve had a slow weekend ;). Although now my calendar is quite empty this spring, so it may be that I’ll write bit more, as there are no weekend plans in the near future (unfortunately).

Yesterday evening I watched a movie that was recommended to me, actually quite long time ago, but now I finally watched it. It’s called The Shawshank Redemption, movie about a guy who gets two life sentences in prison for two murders he didn’t commit. Have to say it wasn’t recommended for nothing, as it definitely was a very good movie. It gave me this uncomfortable feeling, and made me think how frustrating and mind numbing it would be when you don’t make any decisions of your life yourself, you need to ask a permission even for a toilet break. Then again I have to trust the justice system and believe that anyone who has ended up in prison, belongs there.

Even though you are not in a prison, sometimes you live your life like you would be in one. You let your comfort, shyness, money, or any other excuse to constrain you from things that could make your life more fun and exciting, satisfying. I do know it definitely is difficult to get out of your comfort zone, and seize the moment. You need courage and a need for something better. Some people may think about opportunity costs, what I will loose if I do this.

Sometimes I let my shyness to take the best of me. It’s not nice to have that constrain in my behaviour. Especially for such an outgoing person as I am. Although it is part of self-protectionism (so to say), if I don’t say anything then I won’t say anything stupid, and make ass out of myself. Though if you never make ass out of yourself then you never have fun stories to tell. Luckily I do have few stories to tell, but I want to have more! So I carry on building my courage and try to be the bravest girl on the block.

Another movie I watched this weekend was Crazy, Stupid, Love – a chick flick. Not so spectacular movie. 40 something years old couple divorce as they kind of grew apart and the wife cheated the husband. Of course the movie had a happy ending, but does 40 something couples have that kind of ending in their lives, if they end up in situation like that..? Some have, some haven’t and some just don’t realise, I suppose.

There’s a great weather outside, + 12 degrees and sunny. I think I’ll gotta take my running shoes for a little outing, and make plans how I’ll be brave tomorrow ;). 

Saturday, 21 January 2012

An Age Crisis ??

6:40 Saturday morning and I woke up! I am clearly getting old, isn’t so that the older you get the less sleep you need? Then again I was very boring person yesterday evening and went to bed already around 22hrs, so I still got quite many hours of sleep. Conclusion being that I am NOT that old, as yet! How come a girl who just has seen 17 summers can be old?

I am thinking of joining a gym again. I didn’t renew the membership to the gym next to our office last autumn, due to a significant raise of the price and the lowered service level. But now I am planning to get a membership from a super expensive gym for 3 or 6 months. And that’s my biggest dilemma today, how long membership shall I take. 3 months would last ‘till the end of April, and 6 months then ‘till the end of July. So, will I really go to the gym during the warm summer months? In addition I have loads of holidays to take, and I in general like to take most of them during the summer months. So, the membership is useless when I am holidaying. Well, anyhow I’ll go to that gym tomorrow to test it. The plan is to go to the Body Pump class at 11:10. Oooh, my body sooooo needs exercise! Other than jogging I mean. I’ve been running regularly so I haven’t turned into sofa-potato, actually I’ve ran this year 62 km already.

I have a holiday planned for beginning of February, which includes a bit of touring in the Nordics, first I will spend almost a week at my parent’s place and then a long weekend exploring a night life of a Swedish city with two exchange student friends. Yeah, some people travel to the sun and I just keep going away from it. But my sun will be all the great friends that I’ll meet while travelling in the North and celebrating yet another 17th birthday.